PDA invests to improve its Education Print Services.
As they so often say, out with the old, in with the new and that’s exactly what we’ve done here at Print Design Australia. It has been a fantastic run, but it is now time to say goodbye to our faithful old press and upgrade to a shiny new one. Welcome the new Ryobi 750, our new flagship production machine that will help us continue to provide Education Print Services and Commercial Printing for what will hopefully be many years to come.
What does this mean for our clients? More of what you’ve come to expect from the team here at PDA. With the investment in new technologies we will be able to offer increased reliability and service through improved machine production and stability as well as improved image quality and product output so you can make a lasting impression on your clients.
PDA would like the thank Craig and Mark at DPM machinery for facilitating the purchase and keeping our machine downtime to a minimum.