A Ford Farewell

Every now and then a project arises that serves to underpin the core reasons we all do what we do, why we work hard to keep our respective businesses healthy to create stable work environments, not just for ourselves but for our employees.

The wonderful Phil Nitchie from Nitch Photography was gracious enough to come to us and allow us to be involved with the design and production of the final memento that would go out to the faithful Ford staff, some who have worked there for a number of decades. Being involved in the publication served as a reminder to us just how important the stability of occupation is especially in a place like Geelong, and, in particular, just how much that can mean to the employees of an organisation.

To employ some of our experience with yearbook printing and commercial brochure printing we opted to treat the cover with a variable data finish with each staff members name personally printed on the front page in a clear reflective finish in order to make it as special as possible for each Ford employee. From all reports this was a great success, with staff members showing an added appreciation for the personalised nature of each publication.